
UWSN Board Member Spotlight | April Augustine

Join us and welcome our newest board member, April Augustine! She has joined the UWSN Board of Directors after several years of giving back to the Las Vegas community.

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Volunteer Spotlight: Krista Darnold

Krista has been a UWSN volunteer for over 10 years, and we are so INSPIRED by Krista’s passion for creating a caring community.

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Empowering Young Women Through Education

Women United continues to empower the next generation of women leaders by providing financial assistance to underrepresented and low-income students.

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UWSN Intern Spotlight: Jasmine Cazares

Jasmine is a senior at UNLV pursuing a degree in Journalism and Media Studies with a concentration in Public Relations and Marketing. Jasmine joined Team UWSN to learn how our Marketing and Fund Development teams work together to make an impact in our community!

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Inspiring the Next Generation of Female Leaders

Together, we are empowering the next generation of female leaders. Junhee Bae, a first-generation college student, was able to become a UNLV Nursing Graduate and is serving on the frontlines as a UMC nurse through the support of UWSN’s Women United.

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Giving Southern Nevada Students a Warm Welcome Back!

When local parent Katie Scann heard that students were going back to school, she knew right away that she wanted to help.

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Helping Families During the Holidays

During the holiday season, many parents must make the difficult decision of buying essential groceries instead of toys for their children. This past December, five local families didn’t know where to turn to put food on the table or presents under the tree for their children on Christmas Eve.

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UWSN Partners with ImpactNV for United Against Human Trafficking

As we continue to tackle the many challenges Southern Nevada faced during 2020, we can’t forget about a significant issue that has impacted our community for many years: human trafficking.

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UWSN Receives $10 Million Gift from Philanthropist MacKenzie Scott

I was filled with gratitude that with her donation of $10 million, philanthropist and author MacKenzie Scott had sent a clear message that the work we do, and the community in which we do it, matters.

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Inspiring Local Students to Achieve Their Dreams!

To encourage local students to pursue higher education and achieve their dreams, United Way of Southern Nevada (UWSN) has partnered with Cheyenne High School to sponsor 20 students in a pilot dual-credit program through the College of Southern Nevada (CSN).

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