Team UWSN Intern Spotlight | Ana Valero Prado

We are so excited to have Ana Valero Prado join our United Way of Southern Nevada team as a Marketing Intern! She is an enthusiastic student at the University of Nevada Las Vegas; majoring in Communication Studies with a minor in Journalism. Ana grew up in Venezuela and moved to Las Vegas at the age of 14, she told us that living in a third world country opened her eyes to a world of need, so now she has a passion for serving and making a difference. As she nears the end of her education career, she’s excited to put her knowledge into practice while serving the Southern Nevada community. Learn more about her below!

Why did you decide to join the United Way of Southern Nevada Team?

I decided to join the team because I have always had a passion for helping other people, and I can do that through UWSN. Growing up in Venezuela opened my eyes to a world of needs, so now that I have had the opportunity to grow in life, I want to use my skills to give back to people and the community.

Can you share more about what you are excited to learn about in your internship?

I want to learn how to specifically use my knowledge and skills to make an impact in our community. But also working in a team with empowering woman and learn how to be a leader in the community from them.

What do you enjoy most about your internship at UWSN so far?

I enjoy working with uplifting and joyful people who are eager to make an impact in their community. And I also enjoy being able to learn new skills as I go that I can use throughout my career.

How do you have fun in Las Vegas?

I have fun by enjoying nature, whether hiking at Red Rock Canyon and Valley of Fire or kayaking at Lake Mead. I also really enjoy trying new restaurants and coffee shops.

What is a fun fact about you?

I love traveling, visiting national parks, going on extra-long hikes, and indulging in a delicious meal after!


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