
UWSN Intern Spotlight: Jordan Garcia

Jordan Garcia is specializing in the field of public relations for her Journalism and Media Studies degree and will use what she has learned in her classes to spread the word about our impact in the Southern Nevada community.

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Empleada Destacada de UWSN: Janet Quintero

Janet Quintero, directora de relaciones comunitarias y gubernamentales, coordina el comité de política pública y organiza al sector sin fines de lucro con líderes locales y servidores públicos.

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UWSN Employee Spotlight: Janet Quintero

As Director of Community and Government Affairs, Janet administers UWSN’s Public Policy Committee and is instrumental in convening nonprofit conversations with local leaders and elected officials to strengthen our community.

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100+ Women Coming Together to Support Southern Nevada

100 Women Who Care, Southern Nevada was founded in 2018 and is one of more than 350 similar groups located worldwide that focuses on coordinating funding for local, community charitable organizations. We meet quarterly to select a charity to receive our collective donations.

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Lin Martinez: 2020 Emerging Leadership Award for Women Graduate

We are proud to announce that our 2016 Emerging Leadership Award for Women Scholarship recipient, Lin Martinez, has graduated with a BA in Political Science with a minor in Criminal Justice from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas!

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Keeping Las Vegans in their homes: Homie has your back

Home is more important than ever. For many of us, homes have become workplaces, schools, and shelters as we protect ourselves during an unprecedented pandemic.

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UWSN Volunteer Manager Spotlight: Volunteerism during COVID-19

UWSN Volunteer Manager, Savanna Sibley, shares what has inspired her during these challenging times and how she is connecting members of our community with nonprofits who need volunteer help.

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NV Energy Provides Energy Assistance to Those in Need

Southern Nevada, more than most communities, has been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. With over 33% of Southern Nevadans employed in industries that will be negatively affected by the pandemic, many hardworking people are struggling, whether that’s due to a lost job, a sick family member, or an illness that means they can’t leave the house.

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Igniting the Power of Local Women!

By igniting the power of women – who bring the passion, expertise, and resources needed to accomplish goals and grow exponentially – Women United finds new solutions to old problems.

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Uniting Women to Improve People’s Lives!

What is sisterhood, and what does it mean for Southern Nevada? It means women coming together, using their collective power to make a difference and build a better community.

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