United Way of Southern Nevada (UWSN) and Dress for Success Southern Nevada (DFSSNV) empower women to confidently enter the workforce, like Tracy Pruitt. Tracy is a client of Dress for Success who through the support of UWSN was able to find a path to a career. Tracy was facing some challenges during the economic downturn as a single parent. Tracy was determined to find employment to support her family, so she came to our partner Dress for Success Southern Nevada in search of interview attire. The Dress for Success team helped Tracy pick out outfits for interviews, was given an interview kit, and participated in DFSSNV’s image consulting and career coaching programs. These resources helped support Tracy on her employment journey with Keolis Transit. In addition, DFSSNV also provided her with wrap-around services, connected her with the Just One Project to help with grocery costs, and provided Tracy with professional clothing for a potential second job that can help her supplement her income.
Together, UWSN and DFSSNV are helping local women overcome economic challenges and enter the workforce with the support they need to succeed. Tracy is now employed as a driver and is on a path to self-sufficiency.