United Way of Southern Nevada assists individuals in securing shelter, acquiring food, maintaining access to healthcare, and accessing crisis services, ensuring that basic needs are met.
Our Goal
At United Way of Southern Nevada, we strive to decrease the number of people living with low incomes or living in poverty.

What We Do
We support programs that help people build pathways out of poverty, crisis, and emergency situations. We help connect people to resources so that they have the support that they need to keep a roof over their head, food on the table, and access to opportunity.
UWSN partners with programs supporting and empowering the following populations: people living in low-income communities or areas of concentrated poverty, refugees and immigrants, persons with disabilities, veterans and military families, new or long-term unemployed people, victims and/or survivors of human trafficking, and people who do not speak English as a primary language.
Community Supports Programs and Initiatives

Community Supports Partners
- Asian Community Development Council
- Asian Community Resource Center
- Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada
- Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada
- CPLC Nevada
- Children’s Heart Foundation
- Desert Spring Community Resource Center
- East Valley Family Services
- Emergency Aid of Boulder City
- Family Promise of Las Vegas
- Foster Kinship
- Future Smiles
- HELP of Southern Nevada
- Helping Hands of Vegas Valley
- HopeLink of Southern Nevada
- Jewish Family Services Agency
- Kline Veterans Fund
- Las Vegas Indian Center
- Lutheran Social Services of Nevada
- Nevada HAND
- Nevada Health Centers
- Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth
- Olive Crest
- Project Dot
- Project REACH Senior Expos
- Puentes
- Research Educaiton and Access to Community Health Corp
- RISE Homes
- SafeNest
- Signs of HOPE
- Solutions of Change
- The Just One Project
- The LGBTQ Center of Southern Nevada
- The Salvation Army Southern Nevada
- Three Square