Program Overview
The Deseret Industries Move-In Voucher Program is funded by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (The Church) and administered by the United Way of Southern Nevada (UWSN). The program is operated in collaboration with Clark County Social Service (CCSS) and the nonprofit organizations delivering services through the Operation HOME! initiative, and CCSS Youth and Family Programs.
The Move-In Voucher Program provides move-in assistance to individuals and families exiting homelessness. Assistance is provided in the form of vouchers that can be used exclusively at Deseret Industries locations in Las Vegas. Individuals and families also receive ‘move-in kits’ that include bedding, kitchen supplies, and bathroom toiletries. Move-in kits are assembled and donated by volunteers and stored at a CCSS warehouse location.
Participating Nonprofit Organizations
The following nonprofit organizations and agency teams are participating in the Move-In Voucher Program:
- Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada
- Chicanos por la Causa Nevada
- HELP of Southern Nevada
- HopeLink of Southern Nevada
- Jewish Family Service Agency
- Nevada Partners
- Southern Nevada CHIPs
- The Just One Project
Please contact UWSN if your agency is interested in joining the Move-In Voucher Program.
Agency Participation and Client Eligibility
Agency Eligibility & Documentation Requirements
Nonprofit organizations are eligible to participate in the program if they also participate in the Operation HOME! Initiative or CCSS Youth and Family Programs. These programs provide rapid rehousing, transitional housing, group home, transitional living, and related services.
Case management is also provided as part of these programs to ensure ongoing support after clients have been placed in a housing unit. Any organization that wishes to participate in the Move-In Voucher Program but does not meet these criteria must receive approval from both Deseret Industries and Clark County Social Service.
Participating agencies must provide a program and organizational contact form, a completed W-9, their 501c3 tax letter from the IRS, their sales tax exemption letter from the State of Nevada, and an anti-terrorism certification required by United Way.
Client Eligibility & Documentation Requirements
Clients are eligible to participate in the program if they already participate in one of the following initiatives. Clients must be nominated and approved by their case manager and nonprofit organization/agency to access move-in vouchers and related resources. Assistance is typically provided when a client is placed in a housing unit after experiencing homelessness.
People typically participate in one of the following programs to receive Move-In Voucher support:
- Clark County Operation HOME! – Rapid Rehousing
- Clark County Housing Intervention Programs (CCHIP) Family & Youth Rapid Rehousing
- HUD Transitional Program
- Shannon West Homeless Youth Center Studio Apartments
- RHY Maternity Group Home Program
- NPHY Transitional Living Program & Independent Living Program
- A Place Called Home
- Crossing Program Rapid Rehousing
- New Crossings Program
- Rise Up
Request & Disbursement Process
Agencies must request move-in vouchers in blocks of at least $5,000 via the Agency Request Form. UWSN reviews requests on a monthly basis and distributes vouchers to participating agencies by the 1st of each subsequent month. If you need approval for a voucher sooner, please let us know via email.
Agencies must work with clients to ensure appropriate use of move-in vouchers at Deseret Industries and should obtain receipts from Deseret Industries detailing the amount of the voucher used.
UWSN maintains records of all purchases and uses of the move-in vouchers and works with agencies to ensure full spend-down of the available voucher assistance.