Vegas Strong Resiliency Center 6th Annual 1 October Commemoration

September 29, 2023

The Vegas Strong Resiliency Center held its 6th annual commemoration event for the Hispanic community affected by the tragic events of 1 October 2017.

Thank you all for joining us for the Vegas Strong Resiliency Center 6th Annual 1 October Commemoration

Group of event attendees standing and swatting in front of uwsn logo in the Boyd conference room

For the second time in a row, the event was hosted by United Way of Southern Nevada, who opened their home to this year’s event titled “En Ruta a la Sanación” which focused on the fact that healing from a traumatic event is not a linear process, instead an ongoing healing route. With a combination of music and a therapeutic activity centered around community values as a catalyst for healing and a chance to interact, survivors, victims, people affected by the tragedy, and loved ones shared an intimate healing session.

As part of the healing session, participants learned that even for resilient plants like succulents that thrive in the most difficult environments, community and care are key ingredients. The #FamiliaRuta91 was born out of a tragic event but now has become the support system of hundreds of families who found light in the darkness (Luz en La Oscuridad) and family in the journey for healing (En Ruta a La Sanación).


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