About United Way of Southern Nevada

United Way of Southern Nevada’s mission is to unite our community to improve people’s lives. We embrace this every day by being the leading convener and collaborator of nonprofits across the valley. UWSN provides public and private funding to nonprofit partners that support our community members.

Our objective is to unite donors, volunteers, nonprofits, and businesses to create meaningful change for every Southern Nevadan. We support programs that are effective at helping students reach their potential, ensuring that there are pathways into the workforce, and helping people avoid crises and maintain household stability.

Our Mission

To unite our community to improve people's lives.

Our Vision

United Way of Southern Nevada is innovative and collaborative in our efforts to create a better community for all.

Our Values

Collaboration, Integrity, Innovation, Diversity, and Accountability

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We believe that every person in Southern Nevada must have equal access to solving–and solutions to–community problems.

We welcome the unique perspectives and experiences that individuals bring to advancing our mission and progressing our fight for the success of every person in our community.

We take the broadest possible view of diversity, understanding that everyone has different values, beliefs, and life experiences. UWSN values the intersectionality, the interconnected fabric of backgrounds including, but not limited to, race, class, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, and disability that develops each person’s unique identity.

We commit to entering partnerships and programs that address the inequities that keep Nevadans from success.

We dedicate ourselves to using these principles for our operations and invite others to join us in uniting for Nevada’s success.


Donate today to help ensure Southern Nevadans have the opportunity to succeed.


Support opportunities for all by learning, sharing, and advocating for your community.


Support your community by volunteering as an individual or a group.