Women United Member Spotlight | Lisa Drake

During Women’s History Month, we are highlighting our Women United members who are dedicated to making a difference in our Southern Nevada community. This week, we are highlighting Lisa Shelton, Major Account Executive at NV Energy! Lisa enjoys supporting the women in our community through volunteerism. She is dedicated to empowering women in Southern Nevada by joining Women United! Read our interview below with Lisa to learn what she would like to reimagine in our Southern Nevada community!

What inspired you to join Women United?

It is inspiring and empowering to be surrounded by the Women United members who give their time, talents, and heart to making our community a better place.

What does it mean to you to unite with women to make a difference in our community?

I love when the members of Women United are able to get together, for example through our annual suit drive, to provide resources that give a hand up to other women in our community, to help them in their journey of improving their quality of life. Uniting can also come about in meetings or classes to be mentors to other women. It’s finding ways to provide opportunities that might not otherwise be available if not for our group coming together and collaborating to encourage change for the better in our community.


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