Women United Spotlight | Courtney LaPoint

As we continue to honor Women’s History Month, we are highlighting another amazing NV Energy woman, who belongs to our Women United group, Courtney La Point! Three years ago, Courtney made the brave decision of leaving the Midwest and moving to Las Vegas with no family or friends to rely on. She told us that her inspiration to do this came from Amelia Earhart, Deborah Sampson, and Betsy Ross, who from a young age taught her “there is no obstacle you cannot control or stand in your way to obtain your goals and always have a ‘can do’ attitude.” Here in Las Vegas, she decided to join UWSN’s Women United to make a difference in other girls’ lives. One of her favorite things about being a part of Women United is the feeling of joy and fulfillment she gets when she volunteers. Courtney has also made incredible friendships and is one of the reasons she remains a member today.


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