65th Anniversary Team UWSN Spotlight | Savanna Sibley

To celebrate National Volunteer Month, we want to highlight Savanna Sibley, our Director of Volunteer Engagement and Events! In her role, she is responsible for uniting volunteers across the valley to give back to local nonprofits and ensuring UWSN’s community events are a success! In honor of National Volunteer Month, Savanna wants to celebrate all our incredible volunteers! Read more about Savanna’s favorite volunteering memories below!

How do you celebrate National Volunteer Month?

I celebrate National Volunteer Month by honoring volunteers in our community! Our volunteers deserve the recognition for their time and dedication they devote to Southern Nevada.

What is your favorite volunteering memory?

My favorite volunteer memory is coordinating our largest volunteer event, Day of Caring. I not only get to manage the wonderful event, but I am able to volunteer my time out in the community and see the impact firsthand. Day of Caring lifts the spirit of the city and brings so much joy to our community.

How do our volunteers inspire you?

The volunteers inspire me to be a better more compassionate person. I am truly grateful for what our dedicated volunteers do for our community as well as for the local nonprofits. They sacrifice their time to make the world around us a better place.

What is your favorite part about being UWSN’s Director of Volunteer Engagement and Events?

My favorite part about being UWSN’s Director of Volunteer Engagement and Events is collaborating with other community partners and their volunteer efforts. I love supporting UWSN and our community by pulling together volunteers to fight for Southern Nevada’s success.


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