65th Anniversary Team UWSN Spotlight | Jason DiOrio

As UWSN celebrates 65 years of serving our community, we want to say thank you to our wonderful team members who continue to make our impact in Southern Nevada possible! Every Tuesday, join us to meet one of our team members. This week we want to introduce our Director of Corporate Partnerships, Jason DiOrio! He is a part of the Fund Development Team and helps develop partnerships with local organizations and companies to make the most impact in our community through donations and volunteerism! Learn more about Jason’s favorite moments below!

Please share with us a memory of your time working with UWSN?

My fondest memory of working at UWSN has to be the Hayward Hands Thanksgiving Meal Serve event. To see the Las Vegas Raiders players, interact with the community and taking the time to be so kind was very special. All the players were so humble and gracious. This really reinforced why I do what I do and why I love my job so much!

What is one thing everyone must do when they visit Las Vegas?

Walk the strip! There is so much to see, and it is great “people watching” too!

What is your favorite moment from Las Vegas History?

My favorite moment was when UNLV won the NCAA Championship in 1990!! I was attending UNLV at the time. They closed off Maryland Parkway and the street was filled with proud Las Vegans!!

What moment in Las Vegas History has UWSN been supporting the community since?

We’ve been doing this since 1957—before Elvis starred in “Viva Las Vegas!”


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