65th Anniversary Team UWSN Spotlight | Anna Silva

Join us and give a warm welcome to our new Early Education Program Specialist, Anna Silva. In her role, she helps ensure our youngest learners receive the tools they need to succeed by helping administer the Nevada Ready! Pre-K (NR!PK) program. Through this program UWSN ensures local families have access to FREE preschool scholarships and provides training to our Pre-K educators. 


Anna was inspired to join the United Way of Southern Nevada team, by our very own Senior Director of Early Education, Julie Houchins! Anna shared, “While working for T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood, I met Julie Houchins, UWSN’s Senior Director of Early Education. She spoke about the NR!PK program and I loved what they did. So, when the position opened up, I applied. Since being here I have learned so much about what UWSN does for our community, and I am proud to be a part of this organization. 


Anna’s advice for anyone who visits Las Vegas is to see what’s outside of the Strip. She recommends Red Rock Canyon and the Valley of Fire State Park. “We have great places to visit besides the Strip,” she says. Anna also shared that her favorite part about Las Vegas’ history is how much the city has grown over time!”  


We’re proud to have Anna on our team, and we look forward to all the great things she will achieve as a part of Team UWSN! Learn more about UWSN’s Nevada Ready Pre-K Program by visiting uwsn.org/earlyeducation. 


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