65th Anniversary Team UWSN Intern Spotlight: Mya Hernandez

Join us and welcome our new Volunteer Engagement Intern, Mya Hernandez! Mya is participating in the Cristo Rey St. Viator internship program, and we are thrilled she chose to intern with Team UWSN! Learn about how Mya supports our Community Volunteer Engagement Team and her Las Vegas favorites by reading our interview with her below: 

Hey Mya, could you tell us about your role at UWSN? 

Of course! I’m currently an intern with the Volunteer Engagement team at UWSN. I assist my supervisors with various tasks, participate in meetings to gain insights into different roles within the organization, and contribute to our community projects. 

Can you share a favorite memory from your time working with UWSN? 

Absolutely. One memory that stands out is my first day here at UWSN. I was quite nervous initially, but everyone I met was incredibly welcoming. That sense of belonging stayed with me, and I felt at ease. I had a bunch of tasks to tackle on my first day, and I loved every bit of it. 

What’s one thing everyone must do when they visit Las Vegas? 

Definitely check out Area 15! It’s an amazing place with a vibrant atmosphere, offering a variety of activities for all ages. From its cool interiors to the family-friendly vibes, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. 

What’s your favorite moment from Las Vegas history? 

My favorite moment from Las Vegas History was when the Las Vegas Zoo opened in 1981. I used to visit with my dad when I was younger. Unfortunately, it closed in 2013 due to the intense heat, but the memories of those visits still bring a smile to my face. 


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